
6 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 include hands-on online activities to empower academics to integrate eLearning in their teaching practices. ⮚ IO4: Policy and practice guidelines for HE institutions. The main objective of this output is to provide concrete policy recommendations for university leadership teams, decision makers, and key policymakers at national policy levels of government and governance in the EU regarding the implementation of eLearning. Through this output, the integration of online teaching and learning in HE will be promoted. Since, the success of distance learning programmes depends heavily on effective strategic planning, the partnership has produced a Toolkit with the ultimate goal of supporting Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to deliver successful online learning programmes. To achieve this, the consortium of the project has gathered relevant material through a systematic review of the national and European literature, in the field of distance and remote teaching in HE and online surveys conducted in each partner country. The results are synthesised and presented practically in three (3) sections: ⮚ Section 1: A detailed outline of strategies, guidelines, tips, and a concrete methodology that can be followed when teaching online, from the design to the actual delivery of the courses. ⮚ Section 2: A checklist for HEIs to measure their readiness in integrating distance learning. ⮚ Section 3: 30 best practices which are tools/platforms, initiatives, projects, and resources in the field of distance education. The content of the Toolkit will be useful to higher education instructors, leaders, eLearning designers, developers, researchers, support staff, and students to adopt a strategy when teaching and learning online.