
82 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 8. Purpose/Aim Moodle allows educators to create, manage, and support high quality eLearning processes. The necessary tools for course planning, design, development, collaboration, communication, and assessment are available. Using Moodle, educators can: ● share study materials, notes, reading material, links to lectures or other resources ● organise study activities such as uploading and evaluating assignments, creating tests ● providing study guides, workshops or laboratory guides, ● communicate with students, giving them feedback on their academic work ● organise peer-to-peer communication ● organise and manage exams, thesis defending, research development, etc. Moodle provides a collection of tools, set to support both blended learning approaches and fully online courses. 9. Target group Higher Education faculty & staff University leadership teams Learning designers/educational technologists Higher Education students 10. Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness (if applicable) According to statistics, Moodle has over 292 million users in 242 countries including Spain, United States, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, India, France, Colombia, and Russian Federation. 345 sites (250 private) are registered from Lithuania. Moodle is available in over 120 languages. In 2021 Moodle was awarded as the most Innovative open-source management Platform (Acquisition International Magazine). Moodle Project is supported by over 80 certified Moodle Partners globally. Most project partner universities have used Moodle for distance education. Vilnius University has been using it since 2010. The number of study subjects using eLearning methods has increased significantly in recent years, for example 2406 study subjects in 2018-2019 academic years, 3599 in 2019-2020 and 3281 in 2020-2021 (not including 2020-2021 spring semester course). Moodle used at partner universities is adapted according to the university needs. Various plug- ins are installed to support distance learning activities. 11. Overview of the lessons learned which are Information related with teaching and learning has been stored, compiled, and monitored as digital data. Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics are applied for data analysis and improvement of the study quality in the VLE.