
87 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 necessary tools for the high-quality remote interaction and work, while enabling monitoring during the learning process. Student work is performed in electronic form that makes it possible to follow the systemisation of the material. Best Practice 3: Video conferencing platform ZOOM 1. Topic/ Area Open to all HE subjects/disciplines 2. Title Video conferencing platform Zoom 3. Type of Best Practice Platform 4. Date released 25 January 2013 5. Partners/ network Zoom Video Communications 6. Level International/EU 7. Description of the methods/ approach and/or theories used Cognitive theory of Multimedia Learning is based on the idea that individuals process information more deeply by presenting words and pictures together. The goal of cognitive theory of Multimedia Learning is to design instructional multimedia messages based on the optimal ways that people learn. Learning is an ongoing activity in which participants engage in knowledge construction, create mental representations of new instructional material presented to them. The teacher is a guide who facilitates by directing learners toward specific information they should pay attention to and assist learners in cognitively organising that information (Knoster, 2021). 8. Purpose/Aim Zoom is used for the organisation of video and audio conferencing, collaboration and communication. During the Covid-19 pandemic the usage of it was increased significantly. Zoom is used as a tool for remote working, distance learning, and face-to-face social networking. The