
101 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 user to “manage” the model - rotate, move, disassemble, perform cross-section, change colors, and etc. Provides the student an opportunity to operate the model of products independently - to turn, move, dismantle, and etc. Students see a display of the model of equipment or a product in 3D, on page of the textbook or lecture where they can read more about the design, get more information about the device and components (for example about the equipment which is considered in lectures); understand the task for designing more fully and correctly, and etc. They also have the ability to represent their results for preliminary assessment and discussion. 8. Purpose/Aim The teacher is able to create, edit and delete the model views. Provides the student an opportunity to operate the model of products independently - to turn, move, dismantle, and etc. Allows the user to “manage” the model - rotate, move, disassemble, perform cross-section, change colors, and etc. Makes the course more interesting and easy to understand for the students. Makes the learning process more effective and productive. Expands information completeness of the course, increases the attractiveness and stimulates students’ interest in educational resources without requiring special training for both teachers and students. 9. Target group Higher Education faculty & staff Learning designers/educational technologists Higher Education students 10. Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness (if applicable) The approach is theoretical and there is no application data. 11. Overview of the lessons learned which are It serves e-learning and supports the adoption of didactic innovations. This is a tool related to the popular platform of Moodle.