
102 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 relevant to the project It is user-friendly and easy to learn, without requiring special technological skills. It could be used in higher education and supports the particularly demanding conditions of teaching. It supports visualization and is useful in objects that need it. Makes teaching interactive and more interesting. Enhances the learning outcome. Improves the quality of online teaching in HE. 12. Web link 13. References/ online sources Songkram, N. (2017). Virtual smart classroom to enhance 21st century skills in learning and innovation for higher education learners. 2017 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Network (ICMU) , 1–4 . Vatin, N. (2015). Distance Learning System Moodle for Training of Specialists in the Field of Civil Engineering | Scientific.Net . (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2021, fro m Khlaisang, J., & Songkram, N. (2019). Designing a Virtual Learning Environment System for Teaching Twenty-First Century Skills to Higher Education Students in ASEAN. Technology, Knowledge and Learning , 24 (1), 41–6 3. h ttps:// 7 Bravo, J., & García-Magariño, I. (2015). A Methodology for Elaborating Activities for Higher Education in 3D Virtual Worlds. Journal of Interactive Learning Research , 26 (1), 23–38. Malone, N., Minor, K., & Kasha, R. (n.d.). Crossing the Web-3D Divide Using Open Source Tools: Integrating Moodle and Second Life With SLOODLE to Create a Virtual Learning Environment . 10.