
126 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 6. Level International/EU 7. Description of the methods/ approach and/or theories used It is believed that the Collaborative E-learning Platform is an innovative way of addressing the most pressing needs in the development of the European and Indian Higher Education sector at present, namely expanding access to higher education, and more specifically, exploiting the potential of the Governments’ (and private sectors’) investments in digital infrastructure, internet access, and online courses. The project departs from the premise that all HEI need support to upscale their e-learning offer. This has to do not just with ICT infrastrcuture, but also with the training of staff to use e-tools. The focus on training university management, and supporting universities to develop strategies, is a concrete way to ensure that HEI understand the potential of e-learning and identify clear ways to invest in it and utilise it, across the institution, in all subject areas. E-learning strategies may be different for each institution, depending on their context, which is another reason why this project is important. In addition, through the pilots and staff training phases, the project also encourage institutions to address quality assurance in e-learning, a transversal element of university strategies and a general concern of governments and employers. Finally, the project encourages the sustainable implementation of e-learning strategies beyond the project lifetime, in that it supports the Indian partners to disseminate results both internally in their institutions, at the local level, via multiplier events, and in the EU, where other inter-instituional cooperations and spin offs may develop. 8. Purpose/Aim The project has been designed in order to promote the creation of strategies to guide e-learning investments and to enhance Indian-European collaboration in e-learning MIELES is designed to provide a collaborative platform to address a relevant issue for the development, reform, democratization and modernization of the higher education