
132 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 10. Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness (if applicable) Based on preliminary studies with end-users of different educational sectors, the first version, namely ILDE on which ILDE 2 is based and which it has expanded, allows the co-creation of learning designs within a community of practice that supports its members. This way, all aspects of design are covered, from exploring designs, choosing an authoring tool, co-producing a design, sharing it, to implementing it into a VLE, or providing feedback and reflection (Hernández-Leo, Chacón, Prieto, Asensio-Pérez, Derntl, 2013). 11. Overview of the lessons learned which are relevant to the project Instructors can benefit from an online community of practice that effectively and continuously supports them, as members, to follow and implement sound pedagogical methods for designing learning activities in VLE. IDLE 2 also exploits data analytics at different layers (from community analytics to learning analytics). 12. Web link ILDE2 Info: The platform : About section/General info with resources: 13. References/ online sources Hernández-Leo, D.; Chacón, J.; Prieto, J.P.; Asensio-Pérez, J.I.; Derntl, M.; Towards an Integrated Learning Design Environment. In: Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2013, LNCS 8095, pp. 448–453. 14. Additional notes ILDE development was supported by the European Commission in the METIS multilateral project: (project reference 531262-LLP-2012-ES-KA3-KA3MP)