
21 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 ● provide thought-provoking feedback that promotes analysis and challenging of the ideas presented ● debrief modules and summarise discussions to pinpoint the concepts taught and their link to the learning outcomes ● develop learning activities that are relevant, challenging, collaborative, engaging, and require deep thinking. ● provide students with ample opportunities to apply the acquired knowledge/skills into situations that resemble real life. ● promote students’ engagement with self-reflection and metacognitive strategies, so that students can effectively use the new knowledge ● include pair-/group-work, following the principles of social learning theories and promote reflection among students Make sure that you follow the GDPR regulations. Tips to maximise privacy: ● get informed consent from the students before using/sharing data ● encrypt documents with personal and/or sensitive data ● avoid including personal data within e-mails, chat, forums, or similar platforms. If you must share personal data, send it as an encrypted container ● use legal software and understand its privacy policy ● Teach learners how to protect themselves, e.g., create user accounts using pseudonyms and strong passwords Step 7: Develop and select instructional materials Having the instructional strategy as a basis, we are ready to collect and develop the instructional material. The term material, here, is broad. It refers to the organisational, administrative, and pedagogical content. Specifically, we have to prepare both the guides and the content/resources for the activities of the modules that, subsequently, constitute the course material. The guides consist of detailed instructions/handbooks with the regulations, information about the support available, course diagrams including the learning outcomes, the content, the resources, the activities and assessment of the responsibilities, the deadlines of assignments. Regarding the learning content, we can choose instructional material either from an existing pool (e.g., OERs, trustworthy websites, previous courses, the same course in case it has already been delivered) and use it per se or with modifications. In many cases, there is a collection of digital textbooks for a number of disciplines and classes that are openly distributed and updated. Otherwise, we can develop new material from scratch. In both cases, we should always check the Creative Commons licensing a nd find