
3 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 Best Practice 4: EduHack 63 Best Practice 5: Challenge based learning programme 65 Best Practice 6: OERu 69 Best Practice 7: MOOC-“How to Create an Online Course” 71 Best Practice 8: NOVAMOOC 73 Best Practice 9: UniCampus 75 Best Practice 10: Microsoft Educator Center 77 Category 2: Digital & Online tools/software...................................................... 80 Best Practice 1: Virtual learning environment Moodle 81 Best Practice 2: Communication platform Microsoft Teams 84 Best Practice 3: Video conferencing platform ZOOM 87 Best practice 4: Kahoot! game-based software 89 Best Practice 5: H5P 91 Best Practice 6: Livresq 93 Best Practice 7: OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) with the Virtual Cam plugin 94 Best Practice 8: Mentimeter 97 Best Practice 9: Embed 3D Models into Moodle (Wavefront Renderer) 100 Best Practice 10: VSMA Dashboard 103 Best Practice 11: Learning Designer, a tool for didactic design and analysis of e- learning 107 Best Practice 12: The Digital Competence Wheel 110 Category 3: Open Educational Resources [OERs] ............................................ 112 Best Practice 1: Virtual Labs by MERLOT & SkillsCommons 113 Best Practice 2: Europeana 115 Category 4: Guidelines for teaching, learning, and assessment................... 118 Best Practice 1: onTrain 119 Best Practice 2: Assessing with ePortfolios to encourage independent learning121 Best Practice 3: MIELES 125 Best Practice 4: RALDE (Re-thinking active learning for distance education) 128