
32 The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 2.2 Content areas of eLearning readiness checklist You can be redirected to the following areas, by clicking the titles: ● Area A: Leadership - the role of leadership in integrating online teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions. ● Area B: Collaboration and Networking - the measures a university takes to create and maintain a community of collaboration and communication. The aim is to share experiences and learn effectively within and beyond the organisational boundaries. ● Area C: Infrastructure and Equipment - having adequate, reliable, and secure infrastructure (such as equipment, software, information resources, internet connection, technical support). This can facilitate innovative online teaching, learning and assessment practices. ● Area D: Continuing Professional Development - whether the university facilitates and invests in the continuing professional development (CPD) of its staff (leaders, faculty, support staff) at all levels. CPD can support the development and integration of innovative online teaching and learning to achieve better learning outcomes. ● Area E: Teaching and Learning: Supports and Resources - the preparation of using digital technologies for learning by updating and innovating online teaching and learning practices. ● Area F: Teaching and Learning: Implementation - implementing digital technologies for learning, by updating and innovating online teaching and learning practices. ● Area G: Online assessment practices - measures that the university may take to integrate effective online assessment practices. This refers to learner-centered, personalised and authentic online assessment. ● Area H: Learner Digital Competence - the set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that university students possess in order to use the digital technologies with confidence, creativity and critical thinking .