
89 The European Commission's support for the productionof this publicationdoes not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views onlyof the authors, and the Commissioncannotbe held responsible for anyusewhich may bemade of the information containedtherein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 famous online video conferencing softwares (e.g. Zoom, Teams, Webex, GoogleMeet). The teacher creates digitally enriched lectures. S/he can teach theoretical presentations, explain and comment on a presentation, demonstrate procedures in a laboratory lesson, always combining multiple digital resources on screen. The lesson is recorded and so the teacher can self-evaluate and selfimprove, while at the same time his enriched teaching becomes tempting. This practice achieves better management of teaching time, while other interactive and collaborative learning activities are added to the teaching. The Presentation Window of OBS is like an interactive PowerPoint slide, which you will set up for use as the video display. It provides a depth of creative opportunity depending on the vision of the presenter to create the visual experience of the lecture. It can be used in both asynchronous and synchronous teaching methods. Serves and strengthens traditional teaching, while it can be used in modern learning methods. It supports Objectivism Learning Theories but also with creative utilization, supports the learning theory of Constructionism. 8. Purpose/Aim The purpose of utilizing the OBS with the specific practice is: the creation of an optimal lecture, its enrichment with digital resources, the short and clear lecture, the better management of the teaching time for the development of further interactive activities, the individualized utilization of the teaching each student, the possibility of utilizing this teaching resource in both modern and asynchronous digital learning, as well as the continuous self-improvement and self-evaluation of the teacher at the pedagogical level. 9. Target group Higher Education faculty & staff Learning designers/educational technologists 10. Evaluation (results) of its From empirical data collected at the International Hellenic University, Greece, this practice causes students positive feedback during the assessment stage.