
53 The European Commission's support for the productionof this publicationdoes not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views onlyof the authors, and the Commissioncannotbe held responsible for anyusewhich may bemade of the information containedtherein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission. EUR 27937 EN, doi:10.2791/039825 14. Additional notes N/A Καλή πρακτική 3: Open Virtual Mobility 1. Topic/ Area Open to all HE subjects/disciplines Virtual mobility 2. Title OpenVM: Opening Education for Developing, Assessing and Recognising Virtual Mobility Skills in Higher Education 3. Type of Best Practice Guidelines OERs MOOC Reports 4. Date released August 2020 5. Partners/ network The openVM is an Erasmus+ Key Action 3 project (cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, strategic Partnerships for higher education, development of Innovation strategic partnerships for higher education). Project coordinator: Beuth University of Applied Sciences ( Partners: ● Università degli studi Roma TRE ( ● Open Universiteit – Welten Instituut ( ● Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara ( ● AUNEGE ( ● Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) (