
58 The European Commission's support for the productionof this publicationdoes not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views onlyof the authors, and the Commissioncannotbe held responsible for anyusewhich may bemade of the information containedtherein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 kinds and develop a rich personal teaching-learning environment on the web. 8. Purpose/Aim EduHack is a capacity-building programme for university educators who wish to learn how to produce digitally supported learning experiences experimenting with innovative approaches and tools. 9. Target group Higher Education faculty & staff 10. Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness (if applicable) The initiative is included in the official European Commission as part of a collection of effective digital educational resources for the Covid-19 period. 11. Overview of the lessons learned which are relevant to the project N/A 12. Web link 13. References/ online sources EduHack online course EduHack Toolbox EduHack Knowledge Sharing Platform 14. Additional notes Project number: 2017-IT02-KA203-036854