
59 The European Commission's support for the productionof this publicationdoes not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views onlyof the authors, and the Commissioncannotbe held responsible for anyusewhich may bemade of the information containedtherein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 Καλή πρακτική 5: Challengebased learningprogramme 1. Topic/ Area Open to all HE subjects//disciplines Challenge based learning 2. Title Challenge based learning programme 3. Type of Best Practice Course 4. Date released 2021 Spring semester 5. Partners/ network Arqus European University Alliance ( Members: University of Bergen, Norway ( University of Granada, Spain ( University of Graz, Austria ( Leipzig University, Germany ( University of Lyon, France ( University of Padua, Italy ( Vilnius University, Lithuania ( 6. Level International/EU 7. Description of the methods/ approach and/or theories used Arqus challenge-based learning programme is a multimodal programme of activities to pilot challenge-based learning opportunities. The course kicks off with an intensive five-day Winter School together with students from the seven Arqus universities of Bergen, Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Padua, and Vilnius. In the Arqus Winter School, students get an overview of the climate risks facing European cities and how these risks might be governed. The winter school aims to engage students with interdisciplinary research ideas, skills and resources to enable them to develop group research projects on climate risk. It is a challenge-based approach to educating critically engaged European citizens.