
60 The European Commission's support for the productionof this publicationdoes not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views onlyof the authors, and the Commissioncannotbe held responsible for anyusewhich may bemade of the information containedtherein. Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095434 Contemporary universities have the power to make substantive contributions to discourses and models of active, engaged citizenship by developing interdisciplinary, challenge-based, and student-led pedagogies that empower students to critically reframe, reflect upon and address the challenges we face today. After the Winter School, students – in groups - run their own interdisciplinary challenge-based research projects in collaboration with local institutions. To support their work, the course combines international online learning modules, where students learn from leading experts and collaborate with students across Europe, with local sessions supervised by researchers in each of the Arqus universities. The end result is a research report. Short, recorded lectures and other resources are available on a commonMoodle online learning platform. This includes the theme of climate risks, and methods and tips for research. Students are able to compare and review each other’s projects across Arqus universities using Moodle platform. 8. Purpose/Aim The course provides practical tools to engage with complex and urgent social, economic, environmental, and political challenges based on the combination of theory and practice. Students work together with other students and experts from across Europe, on the transformative and disruptive challenges of our time as part of the Arqus European University Alliance. Students are challenged with conducting their own interdisciplinary research projects into how grand challenges take shape in the seven cities within the Alliance. In 2021, students investigate the risks of climate change – from landslides to sealevel rise – and the role of institutions and citizens addressing these risks. In 2022, the topic will be diversity. The course is designed regarding four key principles: engaged citizenship, challenge-based research, transdisciplinary, studentled. By implementing this programme students work closely with companies, municipal authorities, academics and researchers to find solutions to the challenges their regions are facing. The programme is implemented in line with the Alliance objectives. The Alliance aims to share innovative and inclusive teaching and learning methodologies and staff development initiatives. “The Arqus Alliance aims to centre its efforts on enabling people: enabling a widely diverse student body and enhancing their